Graduated from Abertay University with a BSc in Computer Games Technology in November 2019. I’ve always wanted to work in games because creating things keeps me engaged and enthused and entertaining brings me joy; games are a fantastic mesh of the two. The highlight of University to me was the Professional Project modules in third year; working with a multi-disciplined team creating a game for Beano Studios and refining it based on our communication with them.
Hover over an image for more information, if a public git repo exists online the image will also function as a link

Knights of the Cutlery
Metroidvania game where you play as a spirit occupying the husk of a humanoid amalgamation of kitchen utensils. Group project in which I worked on Enemy AI. Written in C# using Unity as the engine. Applied to Dare Academy with this, we did not make it to the final and development was abandoned as the team went our seperate ways after university.